I awoke to the news today,
That evil personified had met his maker.
Today Al Zarqawi,
Was welcomed to the gates of hell.
Al, please meet your torturers,
They will be with you for eternity.
Yes…the temperature it a little hot,
Fear not…it will get worse.
Oh, those screams you hear,
Your voice will soon be added to them.
Take a good look around,
This is the last you will ever see of another soul.
Al Zarqawi,
Is that you trembling?
Tell me,
Do you think Nick Berg trembled at your hand?
Starting to sink in now?
A little too late to realize you’ve got it all wrong.
Don’t be getting weak kneed on me now,
After all, this will just last…for eternity.
Fret not…there is still plenty of room,
For all your friends.
See that spot…specially prepared for Osama,
He’ll be joining us soon.
Mr. Al Zarqawi,
It will be my pleasure to serve you justice for eternity.
What’s the matter…don’t you want to enter in?
Boys, “Grab him”.
Make no mistake,
You will enter in, it’s not optional.