Thursday, November 24, 2005

An American’s Thanksgiving

My heartfelt thanksgiving,
For the blessings bestowed by my God

Chosen by the Father,
For salvation through his Son

Placed in a nation,
To be a light to the world

Given His Word,
God’s message to share

Our liberty and freedom,
Guaranteed in the Constitution

Our nation’s independence,
Protected by those who serve

One nation united,
All differences set aside

Reflecting with thanksgiving,
This fourth Thursday in November

Bowed in gratitude,
For the blessings from above

Humbled at the responsibilities,
Entrusted us by our God

By Susan Bunts
Thanksgiving 2005 – November 24th

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Something Fierce

Dear Chuck,
Missing you something fierce today,
Someone stood in the pulpit,
But your shadow remains.

It's been thirty-five days,
Since you went to your great reward,
Forty-two since we heard the Word God,
Preached boldly from your lips.

How long will it be,
Until I stop counting the days?
How long will it be,
Until I sing praise once again, with my eyes open?

I hunger and thirst,
For expository preaching,
Long for sermons that challenge me,
Hold me accountable, my feet to the fire.

My dear Pastor,
My heart feels pierced.
Tears fill my eyes, and even overflow,
As I behold another, standing in your place.

How long will it be,
Until I no longer hold up the pattern.
Expecting the next man called,
To measure up to your legacy?

I look to the Lord,
Searching the Word of God,
My hurting heart cries out,
Receives comfort from my precious Savior.

Dear Pastor,
Missing you something fierce today,
But grateful to God,
For having loved you so well.

by Susan Bunts 10/23/05

Still feeling the passing of my beloved Pastor, Chuck Obremski something fierce. Keenly aware of his absence...some days more intensely than others. All the while turning to God...and being comforted in my grief.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

And The Story Was Told

And the story was told,
of a man who lived his life well.

Started out life,
on the tough streets of Pittsburgh, PA.

School of hard knocks,
a reality, not just a phrase.

Then the real education began,
at an eternal and holy school.

Humbled before a Holy, Righteous God,
acknowledged his own sinful soul.

Received forgiveness,
Jesus Christ, the atonement for sin.

Learning life's lessons,
from the very Word of God.

Changed, transformed,
reflecting the light of our Lord.

Always found time,
to counsel a hurting, needful soul.

Wisdom, not his own,
but from the Holy Father above.

Direct from the pulpit,
a steady and penetrating gaze.

Proclaiming the gospel,
always, only, continually his aim.

Suffering and death,
a tool of salvation in the hands of a loving Father.

God, whose desire, His will,
that none should perish, but all come to repentance.

And the story was told,
of a man who live his life well.

Loved the Lord with all his heart, mind, soul and strength,
like unto it, he loved his fellow man.

by Susan Bunts 9/27/05

Saturday, September 17, 2005


From unimaginable,
To Lord, if that's Your will,
To please Lord, don't let him suffer.

Waiting for news,
Prayerful and silent,
Hearts and minds focused on St. Joe's 391.

A glimmer,
A flicker,
A hope passes by.

He's able,
Not willing,
We know not why.

We wait,
We pray,
We look to our Lord.

He strengthens,
He comforts,
And each step He guides.

No breath,
No word,
We bow before our Lord.

We surrender,
We are humbled,
All trust in our Lord.

By Susan Bunts 9/17/05

As we await word on our beloved Pastor, Chuck Obremski...I find throughout the mind, heart, thoughts and prayers are focused on Saint Joseph's Hospital and what God is doing there. Each e-mail that comes I tremble when I open it and read slowly to take it in.

I hold my breath, focus...and look to Jesus...and make a decision to trust Him in and through all things.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Oh Lord!

Oh Lord, I am afraid,
Do not fear, for I am with you!

Oh Lord, I am filled with anxiety,
Be anxious for nothing, instead pray and bring your requests to me.

Oh Lord, I feel weighed down and burdened so,
Come unto me and I will give you rest.

Oh Lord, I am overwhelmed with sorrow,
I have taken up your infirmities and carried your sorrows.

Oh Lord, I am weak and weary,
I will give you strength and power.

Oh Lord, my soul is despairing,
Despair not, for I am your ever present help in times of trouble.

Oh Lord, I am alone…all have deserted me,
I will never leave you, nor forsake you.

By Susan Bunts - 9/5/05

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Example

Preaching and teaching the Word of God,
But a door is closed,
What would you have us to do Lord?

God is moving...leading,
Like the cloud by day or fire by night,
Where should we go Lord?

Moving…following His lead,
Seeing His church grow,
What will our God do?

Doctors deliver a bad report,
Seeking guidance and wisdom,
By what means will he be healed?

Desire to keep preaching,
Reaching those not yet saved,
That the lost might be saved.

Hospitals…hate them,
But following Your will,
The next step…in response to Your lead.

Surgery, radiation, and chemo too,
Wreaking havoc on the body,
Seeking wholeness and healing.

Sustained by Your power,
Standing by Your mighty hand,
Message shared...with those lost in their sin.

Standing amazed,
Silenced in awe,
Work of God, not of man.

Tool in the hand of the Master,
Used to do Your will,
Love…poured out,
Jesus…given to a world in need.

Praying, trusting and believing,
For wholeness and healing,
This world…or eternity,
Certainly in the world to come.

Heading the call of God,
To spread Your very Word,
Obedient...even to the end.

It’s all about Jesus,
It was, and is, and will always be,
Savior, Messiah, He’s Jesus, my Jesus!

By Susan Bunts – 8/30/05

Saturday, August 20, 2005

And God Said No

We prayed for healing and wholeness,
and God said, "No, I have another plan".

We cried out to remove this pain,
and God said, "No, I will help you bear it."

We prayed that he would remain a while longer,
and God said, "No, trust me."

We cried out for strength to bear our burdens,
and God said, "I am your strength and shield."

We prayed for peace,
and God said, "My peace I give you."

We cried out with praise for our great God and Savior,
and God said, "Come, I will give you rest."

by Susan Bunts 8/20/05

Friday, August 19, 2005

I Need a Sam

Like Frodo of old,
I need a Sam,
A friend by my side,
For all life's adventures.

A friend ever faithful,
A friend so true,
Through thick and through thin,
Even to the end, he's always my friend.

My Sam...where are you?

by Susan Bunts - 8/19/05

Friday, August 12, 2005

Deceived or Deceiver?

Know It All

Yet Talented
And a hard worker too

There’s no one but you

No trust is bestowed upon you
No respect is due you

“Son of a”…yeah one of those too

Example to no one
Except to all
On what not to be

So called,
They see through you too

And Facing the End

Will you get it, realize you erred
Or harden your heart
And face a fiery end

By Susan Bunts 8/12/05

It is not my intent with this posting to be ugly or vulgar. But just as God has given me words of inspiration lately summarizing my beloved Pastor’s living example and God’s wonderful plan…so too I feel as if I am bubbling forth with words to describe an experience with an individual I’ve met. This time with an unfavorable impression.

Well alrighty…I know this one is rather dark. Don’t mean to bring you down. One thing that I thank God for is gift discernment. I am very grateful for it…and I’m sure God has used it to spare me some pain over the years

As revolting as I found this individual to be…I know as a Christian that God can even reach out and touch this person and change him. That while I was repulsed…God still loves him. So I guess I’ll conclude this posting with a prayer God will reach out, touch this man’s heart…and bring him to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. That I’ll be able to stand back and see God do a great and mighty work in the life of a sinful man.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Our hearts filled with joy,
Singing praise and thanksgiving
Loudly proclaiming the glories of our God

Each moment a treasure
A precious gift from above
Given to His own, from the Savior with love

One heart,
One mind,
One body in Christ

One Father,
One Savior,
One Spirit indwelling

Laughter and joy and peace fill this place
As He endlessly pours out
His marvelous grace

Susan Bunts - 8/8/05

Yesterday's service was so wonderful...a true gift from God. I think all who attended were filled to overflowing with joy and peace from our Savior. What a delight. Yet...we remain ever cognizant that each moment is a gift...we are not promised even the next minute.

Trust in God, our faith and praise must not be based in our outward circumstances. Our eyes must be focused on God and Him alone. God alone is our Foundation, our Rock...He alone will never change. Circumstances will change, our health will decline and people will fail us. If our focus is not on Jesus Christ...
we will be like that wave tossed to and fro on the windy sea of life.

Be strong in the Lord and the strength of His might!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Amazing is Our God

We are witnesses
To our Amazing God

He sustains us
In our weakness

He strengthens us
For each battle

He equips us
Through His powerful and mighty Word

Mercy and Comfort
He pours out upon us

In answer to our prayers
His peace fills each heart, mind and soul

In sickness, pain and even death
Bringing glory to our God

Miraculous, Marvelous, Wonderful
Amazing is Our God

7/24/05 - Susan Bunts

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Tears, Faith & Trust

A time for tears,
A time for faith,
A time for trust.

Broken hearts,
United hearts,
One in spirit.

No questioning why,
No asking when,
Knowing all our days, have been ordained.

Time for a sit down,
For a heart to heart,
Time to share, before one departs.

Love that will never die,
That can not be extinguished,
That will one day, reunite.

Time for tears,
Entrusted to our Savior,
Who redeemed us with His blood.

Time for faith,
In the Holy Spirit,
Who will enable us from within.

Time for trust,
In our Heavenly Father,
Who loves with an infinite love.

Susan Bunts

Today service was one that broke everyone's heart. We continue to see our beloved Pastor Chuck Obremski be devastated by an unrelenting disease. Yet at each stage, he and his wife Linda have been an example to us all. Trusting God and knowing that He has a purpose and plan in allowing this cancer in Chuck's life. Because of this living example...we as a congregation have been able to trust God, praise God and worship Him at every step. In the midst of tears...we are able to say "Praise God from whom all blessings flow". We are able to thank Him for his unending grace and mercy sufficient for all circumstances that He allows in our lives.

Not My Will

Confidence in my God,
Knowing He is able.

Prayers uttered in faith,
For wholeness and healing.

Yet with humility and surrender,
Not mine, but Thy will be done.

Susan Bunts

Monday, July 04, 2005

Immeasurable Beauty

My beloved Pastor
Washed in the Blood of the Lamb
Powerfully transformed
A walking, living, breathing sermon

Firsthand knowledge of the Power of God
The Word of God
The enabling power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within

Powerful love for his Lord and Savior
For his congregation
For a lost and dying world

Grateful for each day
Using the gifts from God
Selfless, Giving and Caring

Courageous sacrifice
Radically committed
Poured out like a drink offering

Outward beauty and strength that is fading away
Inward beauty, character and strength
Growing stronger and deeper day by day

Straight shooter
Steady aim
Sharp unwavering focus

Focused on his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the eternal rewards to come
Looking forward to hearing those words, “Well done good and faithful servant.”

By Susan Bunts - July 3, 2005

This poem is my attempt to capture, to put into words, what it's been like over the past few years...and each week to witness my beloved Pastor, Chuck Obremski as he is fully trusting in God and obedient to Him while immersed in desperate circumstances. My heart breaks as I see Chuck's physical health continue to decline. To a world focused solely on the outward appearance...they will not see the immeasurable beauty that I see as I behold Chuck. While his outward beauty fades, it is being replaced with inner beauty of his soul that can never be taken away. I covet your continued prayers for Chuck and Linda

Friday, May 20, 2005

Will You Ever?

Will you ever see a jet flying overhead
without being reminded of September 11th?

Will you ever see a plane again
without remembering images of a plane crashing into a building?

Will you ever see a skyscraper again
without envisioning innocent people plunging to their deaths and buildings crumbling to the ground?

Will you ever again see a fireman or policeman
without imagining them rushing in to save lives...only to loose their own?

Will you ever...see the American flag
or hear America the Beautiful
or see our proud and brave military
without a tear coming to your eye?

I hope not...I pray not...
Remember 9/11...

By Susan Bunts
Written on October 25, 2001