Our hearts filled with joy,
Singing praise and thanksgiving
Loudly proclaiming the glories of our God
Each moment a treasure
A precious gift from above
Given to His own, from the Savior with love
One heart,
One mind,
One body in Christ
One Father,
One Savior,
One Spirit indwelling
Laughter and joy and peace fill this place
As He endlessly pours out
His marvelous grace
Susan Bunts - 8/8/05
Yesterday's service was so wonderful...a true gift from God. I think all who attended were filled to overflowing with joy and peace from our Savior. What a delight. Yet...we remain ever cognizant that each moment is a gift...we are not promised even the next minute.
Trust in God, our faith and praise must not be based in our outward circumstances. Our eyes must be focused on God and Him alone. God alone is our Foundation, our Rock...He alone will never change. Circumstances will change, our health will decline and people will fail us. If our focus is not on Jesus Christ...we will be like that wave tossed to and fro on the windy sea of life.
Be strong in the Lord and the strength of His might!
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