Saturday, July 17, 2010

Under the Overpass

I am the nameless and faceless one
Whose eyes you seek to avoid
I make my home under the overpass
My very presence
Makes you feel uncomfortable
You don’t know how to respond to my plight
You’re not sure if I’m reaping the consequences
Of years of bad or sinful choices
Or if I’ve fallen victim during these tough times
Uncertain if you should give me a buck
Buy me a cup of coffee on that cold winter morn
Or if it’s all a scam from someone too lazy to work
When you see me fear runs through you
For I’m a reminder just how close you may be
To living under the overpass just like me
By Susan Bunts Wachtel
July 16, 2010

Sword of the Spirit

She’s been equipped by God
With an effective and powerful offensive weapon
The sword of the Spirit…the word of God
Daily she takes out her sword
Polishes it, sharpens it
Then returns it to its sheath
She’s filled her heart and mind
With God’s word
So that she might not sin against Him
But in the heat of the battle
She fails to draw her weapon
The enemy has nothing to fear from an un-wielded sword
One day when she takes God at His word
When she believes and therefore speaks
That foe will retreat and by God’s power she will stand
By Susan Bunts Wachtel
July 16, 2010
Too often, as Christians, we are quick to memorize scripture…adding verse after verse to our memory banks.  But until such time as we actually wield that mighty powerful sword of the Spirit…we will experience defeat.  When we memorize scripture but fail to use it, it’s like us taking out the sword, polishing it until it looks bright and shiny, sharpening the blade only to return it to the sheath.  When will we begin to take God at His word and wield the effective, powerful offensive weapon He’s given us?  What will it take?

Thursday, July 08, 2010

In Passing

When you hear the news that I have passed from this life
Please do not grieve as those without hope
For I am truly home
My faith has given way to sight
That which was dim, I can now see clearly
What was once my hope, is now reality
Absent from the body, I’m now present with the Lord
From my Savior’s lips I heard the words I longed for
Well done good and faithful servant
I have now entered in to the joy of my Master
Where I am there is no more sin, sickness, sorrow or death
I’m forever more in the presence of Christ Jesus my Lord
Susan Bunts Wachtel
July 8, 2010

Friday, July 02, 2010


The inescapable reality of death surrounds me
When tempted to ponder why bad things happen to good people
I am reminded…all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
Genesis 3:6...sin entered the world
Along with it…death
The track record is impressive…100%
Am I ready to I stand before God
Have my sins been covered by the blood of the Lamb
Have my sins been removed as far as the east is from the west
Or will I choose to given an account for my sins
Plead my case
Though I’m not perfect, surely I’m not as bad as some
Does God have a perfect standard or does he grade on the curve
Will He look on my outside appearance
Or will He examine the inward thoughts and intention of my heart
While I’ve never committed murder or adultery
In my heart I’ve hated my brother and lusted after another’s spouse
In me lies no good thing
I have put others before You Lord
Raised up idols disguised as wants and needs
Cursed You or casually tossed around Your name
Oh Lord, I am undone
At the thought of standing before the Holy & Righteous One
My lips will plead, “Guilty”
But in Christ I have an Advocate
My Defender will stand beside me
He will plead my case
“Father, she’s been redeemed
My blood was shed on Calvary for her
Her sins are covered and she’s been set free
My sin debt has been marked “Paid in Full”
The Father now sees me clothed in the righteousness of Christ
He will remember my sins no more
Susan Bunts Wachtel
July 2, 2010