Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lavish Thanksgiving

O Lord
For abundant blessings
I give You thanks and praise

For the comfort of Your Presence
The gift of Your Son
Your Holy Spirit within

For the Bible where truth resides
The gifts of prayer and praise
Freedom to worship with Your saints

For the gift of salvation
Amazing grace which You lavished on me
Through Jesus Christ my Lord

Susan Bunts Wachtel
November 19, 2010

I am grateful for so many things this Thanksgiving Day 2010.  First and foremost I am thankful for my God and Savior Jesus Christ, the gift of salvation and God’s grace lavished on me through His marvelous incomprehensible plan.  I’m grateful that God has sealed me with the Holy Spirit of promise. 

I am grateful to live in a country where I am able to exercise my freedom to read the Bible, worship with the saints, share the Gospel message and pray.

I’m thankful to God for His provisions to my husband Chris and me…for family and friends, good health, a home, jobs, our beloved pets and so much more. 

This year it seems more imperative that I give thanks to God for His abundant blessings.  I’m mindful that it’s not because I deserve anything.  Rather than focusing on the gifts, may I focus on the Giver.  While everything else may fade away or be taken…my relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can never be taken.  I am firmly held in the grasp of His hand. 

What about you?  What are you giving thanks for this Thanksgiving Day and to Whom?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cutting Pain

Each day she put on the mask of a smile
To hide the pain she bears

But if you look deeper
Her dark eyes reflect a bruised soul

Her pain is well disguised
Hope has all but disappeared

As she picks up the razor blade she reasons
Perhaps an outward cut will relieve the inner pain

Somehow a visible scar generates more compassion
Than the emotional wounds within

With each cut her inward pain is given a voice
If only someone will listen to her cry

Susan Bunts Wachtel
November 17, 2010

Dedicated to those who are hurting, whose cries for help have gone unheeded. 

He heals the brokenhearted
And binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147:3

Saturday, November 06, 2010


I am a slave of Christ
Once on the slave market of sin

I was ransomed
By my Master’s own blood

Formerly held captive by sin
I’ve been set free to obedience

Chosen and purchased by the Master
I am not my own

He is the Sovereign Lord
My will conformed to His

I am a slave of Christ
Doulos now considered His friend

By Susan Bunts Wachtel
November 6, 2010

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Though near or far
Present or absent
We are one
Knitted together in the body of Christ
United in our worship of God
Hungering to know Him through His word
Desirous to love Him more
Eager to obey Him quickly and completely
Susan Bunts Wachtel
October 7, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010


The words of a gossip should never be trusted
Today they are tearing someone else down
Tomorrow in front of a different audience
You will be the topic of conversation
Words spoken in a whisper
Are seldom shared face to face
The person held in judgment
Is never there to offer a defense
In the heart of the one listening
There is a nudge
A twinge of their conscience
The knowledge that gossiping is wrong
However any objection
Or the courage to speak up is stilled
As the listening audience
Is invited to join in the sin

By Susan Bunts Wachtel
September 16, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dead Man Walking

He speaks of living according to his own free will
Yet he is walking in conformity to this world

Controlled by sin, deceived by satan
A son of disobedience

He lives according to the lust of his flesh
Follows every sinful desire of his wicked heart

This child of wrath
Is dead in his trespasses and sin

Thought he thinks he’s alive
He’s a dead man walking

by Susan Bunts Wachtel
September 23, 2010
And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest.  – Ephesians 2:1-3

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Follow Me

It’s not always an easy choice
When I hear God’s command
“Follow Me”
Further instructions are given only after I obey
No itinerary is laid out except the next step
“Follow Me”
The past bids me to stay
Attachments cause me to waver when I hear
“Follow Me”
Will I trust the One who calls
Or will I put others before God’s bid
“Follow Me”
Obedience is the key
Walking in His will the reward when He calls
“Follow Me”
By Susan Bunts Wachtel
September 20, 2010
Dedicated to those who have heard God’s call to “Follow Me”. 

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Thy Word

Thy Word
Brings peace to my restless heart
Comfort to my hurting soul
Joy in the midst of sorrow
Lifts my head when I am downcast
Fosters courage when I am fearful
Strengthens me when I am weak
Instills confidence when I feel uncertain
Dispenses mercy when I deserve judgment
Gives grace to help me endure
Builds my faith when I am tempted to doubt
Brought life when I was dead in my sins
Is truth in a world filled with lies

by Susan Bunts Wachtel
September 2, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Watered Down Gospel

It’s a watered down gospel
Fit for the consumer

Methodology replaces theology
Polls determine what message is preached

Truth is couched in entertainment
To make it more palatable

The offense of the cross
Has strategically been removed

No mention of sin
Nor the need for repentance

Biblical faith is abandoned
In exchange for having ears tickled

Emotions are stirred
But lives are not transformed

Large numbers the reflection of God’s blessing
Popularity the measure of success

Focused on the breadth of ministry
They have forsaken the depth

by Susan Bunts Wachtel
August 26, 2010   

Of No Consequence

Of no eternal value

Entertained by nothing that matters

Time wasted on the unimportant

On that which is of no consequence
Susan Bunts Wachtel
August 25, 2010

It’s so easy to waste time and pay attention on that which holds no value.  How important it is for us to be mindful that one day we will give an account for every thought, word and deed.  Am I approaching each day with eternal vision…or walking by sight focused only on today?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rise Up?

Will God’s chosen people
Once again rise up and stand strong
Defend themselves against their foe

Will they blow out the match
Which is poised and ready to light the fuse
On a weapon certain to bring great destruction

Will they turn a deaf ear
To criticism from a nation
Once considered a friend

Will they believe their enemy
Take them at their word
That if they have their way…Israel is doomed

A mad man does as he pleases
And the world just stands by and watches
What will it take for them to rise up and stand

Susan Bunts Wachtel
August 18, 2010

"I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.

I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you."

Genesis 12:2-4

Friday, August 13, 2010

Under the Radar

Disobedience here
O rebellious and fallen one
I have a deliciously bad report
About the saints who are the apple of our Enemy’s eye
While they will never join us in hell
We are able to render them powerless to an unbelieving world
They stand in their pews and sing loudly
About the wonder working power of the blood of the Lamb
They pray that God will forgive their trespasses
As they forgive those who trespass against them
All the while they hold on to unforgiveness in their heart
I especially relish their unforgiveness towards another saint
They read their scriptures
Assured that God remembers their sins no more
Yet they have a tally sheet of the sins committed against them
Their memories are like a steal trap
Their Father in heaven has put their sins
As far as the east is from the west
But they hold offenses close to their heart
Ponder them daily to justify their disobedience
My favorite is the saint who thinks they have forgiven
Yet refuses to fellowship with one whom they will spend eternity with
God tells His saints
That the world will know they are Christians by their love
God reminds them if they love Him
They will obey His commandments
Yet somehow the sin of unforgiveness
Slips under the radar
The command to forgive
Is easily pushed aside as they nurse an old wound
As such…unforgiveness is a marvelous tool
To render the saints witness ineffective
Well I’m off now…back to work
As I seek to steal their joy and peace
Susan Bunts Wachtel
August 11, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Making Merry with the Devil

Deception reporting for duty
Greetings most vile and evil one
I have a grand report of success
As I strive to blind men to the realities of hell
I start with their natural sinful tendency
Encourage them to focus on self
Soon they forget about God and that one day
They will give an account to Him
I direct their thoughts
“Eat, drink and be merry”
Blind them to the warning
“For tomorrow you will die”
Before long the devil is innocuous
Someone to be laughed at and make merry with
Nothing but a comical character
Wearing red tights and carrying a pitch fork
The inescapable realities of judgment fade away
Hell is now seen as place of eternal partying with friends

They will never know until it’s too late
The painful, eternal reality of hell
By Susan Bunts Wachtel
August 9, 2010

Thursday, August 05, 2010

At a Distance

If feel a distance
A wall
Only silence
I know from Your word
You will never leave
Nor forsake me
Why then
Oh why
Can’t I feel Your presence
Is there sin in my life
Without repentance
Have I failed to obey You
Put other gods before You
Do I have a haughty spirit
I feel as if I’m in a fog
Somewhere beyond the misty clouds
You are there
Like the sun
Piercing  through a fog bank
I long to feel Your presence
By Susan Bunts Wachtel
August 4, 2010
Do you ever go through times…where you just don’t feel God’s presence?
That’s what I’ve been feeling for a little over a week and I’m not sure why?  I know with absolute confidence that God is with me.  He has promised to never leave nor forsake me.  To quote the Psalmist, “If I make my bed in hell, Thou art there.” 
While I wait to feel God’s presence once again, I examine myself…to see if there is anything in my thoughts, attitude or actions that are sinful and displeasing to the Lord.  Something that has caused a break in fellowship.  At times like this…I so long for and desire His presence.  He is my life and my joy.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Under the Overpass

I am the nameless and faceless one
Whose eyes you seek to avoid
I make my home under the overpass
My very presence
Makes you feel uncomfortable
You don’t know how to respond to my plight
You’re not sure if I’m reaping the consequences
Of years of bad or sinful choices
Or if I’ve fallen victim during these tough times
Uncertain if you should give me a buck
Buy me a cup of coffee on that cold winter morn
Or if it’s all a scam from someone too lazy to work
When you see me fear runs through you
For I’m a reminder just how close you may be
To living under the overpass just like me
By Susan Bunts Wachtel
July 16, 2010

Sword of the Spirit

She’s been equipped by God
With an effective and powerful offensive weapon
The sword of the Spirit…the word of God
Daily she takes out her sword
Polishes it, sharpens it
Then returns it to its sheath
She’s filled her heart and mind
With God’s word
So that she might not sin against Him
But in the heat of the battle
She fails to draw her weapon
The enemy has nothing to fear from an un-wielded sword
One day when she takes God at His word
When she believes and therefore speaks
That foe will retreat and by God’s power she will stand
By Susan Bunts Wachtel
July 16, 2010
Too often, as Christians, we are quick to memorize scripture…adding verse after verse to our memory banks.  But until such time as we actually wield that mighty powerful sword of the Spirit…we will experience defeat.  When we memorize scripture but fail to use it, it’s like us taking out the sword, polishing it until it looks bright and shiny, sharpening the blade only to return it to the sheath.  When will we begin to take God at His word and wield the effective, powerful offensive weapon He’s given us?  What will it take?

Thursday, July 08, 2010

In Passing

When you hear the news that I have passed from this life
Please do not grieve as those without hope
For I am truly home
My faith has given way to sight
That which was dim, I can now see clearly
What was once my hope, is now reality
Absent from the body, I’m now present with the Lord
From my Savior’s lips I heard the words I longed for
Well done good and faithful servant
I have now entered in to the joy of my Master
Where I am there is no more sin, sickness, sorrow or death
I’m forever more in the presence of Christ Jesus my Lord
Susan Bunts Wachtel
July 8, 2010

Friday, July 02, 2010


The inescapable reality of death surrounds me
When tempted to ponder why bad things happen to good people
I am reminded…all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
Genesis 3:6...sin entered the world
Along with it…death
The track record is impressive…100%
Am I ready to I stand before God
Have my sins been covered by the blood of the Lamb
Have my sins been removed as far as the east is from the west
Or will I choose to given an account for my sins
Plead my case
Though I’m not perfect, surely I’m not as bad as some
Does God have a perfect standard or does he grade on the curve
Will He look on my outside appearance
Or will He examine the inward thoughts and intention of my heart
While I’ve never committed murder or adultery
In my heart I’ve hated my brother and lusted after another’s spouse
In me lies no good thing
I have put others before You Lord
Raised up idols disguised as wants and needs
Cursed You or casually tossed around Your name
Oh Lord, I am undone
At the thought of standing before the Holy & Righteous One
My lips will plead, “Guilty”
But in Christ I have an Advocate
My Defender will stand beside me
He will plead my case
“Father, she’s been redeemed
My blood was shed on Calvary for her
Her sins are covered and she’s been set free
My sin debt has been marked “Paid in Full”
The Father now sees me clothed in the righteousness of Christ
He will remember my sins no more
Susan Bunts Wachtel
July 2, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

May I Pray

May I pray with boldness for that which seems impossible
May I pray knowing that You are able
May I pray and dare to take the risk that You’ll say yes
May I pray and not worry about Your reputation if You say no

May I pray with courage about the truth that sets us free
May I pray with compassion for those who are lost and in darkness

May I pray with eyes focused on You, not my circumstances
May I pray in confidence as I speak forth Your word

May I pray for that which is more than I can ask or imagine
May I pray with assurance that You hear me in the heavenly places

Susan Bunts Wachtel
June 24, 2010

Dedicated to Karla…a woman with a heart for the Lord. 

Saturday, June 19, 2010


The Bible
Plus other scriptures
Other authorities
That contradict the word of God

Truth has been exchanged
Myths are believed
Outrageous lies
From the very pit of hell

Christ is not preeminent
Praise, worship and adoration
Prayer and petitions
Offered to another instead of the one true God

The sting of death
The permanence of hell
Has been removed
By offering an alternative

Anathema, you are considered damned
If you dare to question
If you dare to expose man made doctrines

Christ is made subservient
He is there to answer our every wish
He is not our Lord and Savior
His will is conformed to ours

We desire salvation
The promise of heaven
Without giving an account
A reckoning to Christ

Susan Bunts Wachtel
November 5, 2009

A Little Bit of God

Each day she wants just a little bit of God
Enough to make her feel good
And help her through the day

As she rushes out the door
She whispers,
“Bless me I pray”

She loves to hear a feel good message
From a smiling preacher
Encouraging her to have her best life now

Her Bible sits safely on the shelf
Untouched by human hands
Her heart untouched by God’s word

She faces each day
In her own wisdom and strength
Then wonders why she has no victory over sin

Susan Bunts Wachtel
December 31, 2009

As a writer, sometimes I go through prolific seasons only to be followed by a dry spell.  During the busy seasons I write things…but don’t have the time to finish.  Stumbled across this poem I wrote at the end of last year.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Celebrating What God Has Begun

I celebrate the love you have found
Honor the marriage you will build
Support through prayer the hard work God has just begun

I pray that Christ will be the center of your marriage
May you seek His wisdom and strength
As you walk on the path He has set before you

May your marriage mirror God’s perfect design
A wife who honors and respects her husband as unto the Lord
A husband who loves his wife as Christ so loved the church

May you be unwavering in your commitment
Fervent in prayer and guard your hearts
Delight each day in the wonderful gift God has given

by Susan Bunts Wachtel
June 4, 2010

For Alyssa & Daniel

The Me Centered Gospel

Messages from the Bible
To make me feel better

Smorgasbord preaching
About what God is doing for me

Inoffensive preaching…making all
The sting of conviction has been removed

The Sword of the Spirit rendered
Replaced with trite clever phrases of men

Good works expected…motives
No heart check required

The Gospel message
There is no mention of sin

by Susan Bunts Wachtel
June 6, 2010

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

The Judgment Seat of Christ

Whether you believe in the pre-trib, mid-trib, post trib-rapture
No matter if you favor a pre-millennial or amillennial reign of Christ
One thing is certain
The ungodly will be judged

Those who have died in their sins
Will be resurrected for judgment
They will stand before Him who is
Holy, Righteous and Just

Until that day, those who died without Christ
Those who declared their innocence
Rejected the free offer of forgiveness through the blood of the Lamb
Are bound in Hades...waiting to present their case

Before heaven and earth pass away
The sea will give up it’s dead
Graves will be emptied and the eternal souls of the ungodly
Will be summoned to stand before God for their final sentence

God the Father has given all authority
To Jesus Christ His Son
The ungodly have chosen to be judged according to their deeds
By the One who is Holy, Righteous and Just

God who is omniscient
Has kept a detailed, perfect, comprehensive record
He has flawlessly recorded every thought, every word and every deed
Omniscience has recorded it all

Mans works vs. God’s perfect standard
Be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect
Be ye holy; for I am holy
God declares, “All your works are as filthy rags!”

God will bring to light that which is hidden in the darkness
He will expose the motives of men’s hearts
By their own words they will be condemned
The Charge:  All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God

Rather than plead guilty and receive a pardon through Jesus Christ
The One to whom they must give an account
Those who plead innocent
Have chosen to face a tribunal before God

Each punishment will be unique
Torment will come from a conscience that cannot be silenced
The Sentence…GUILTY
The Punishment…eternal suffering in the Lake of Fire

By Susan Bunts Wachtel
June 2, 2010

It seems as if my prayer list for salvation has grown exponentially.   Knowing the reality and the permanent eternal consequences of rejecting the offer of forgiveness through Jesus Christ…I am compelled to pray. 

This poem was inspired by our Kindred’s Berean Bible Study on Sunday morning and John MacArthur’s sermon on Revelation 20:11-15