Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Making Merry with the Devil

Deception reporting for duty
Greetings most vile and evil one
I have a grand report of success
As I strive to blind men to the realities of hell
I start with their natural sinful tendency
Encourage them to focus on self
Soon they forget about God and that one day
They will give an account to Him
I direct their thoughts
“Eat, drink and be merry”
Blind them to the warning
“For tomorrow you will die”
Before long the devil is innocuous
Someone to be laughed at and make merry with
Nothing but a comical character
Wearing red tights and carrying a pitch fork
The inescapable realities of judgment fade away
Hell is now seen as place of eternal partying with friends

They will never know until it’s too late
The painful, eternal reality of hell
By Susan Bunts Wachtel
August 9, 2010

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