Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Example

Preaching and teaching the Word of God,
But a door is closed,
What would you have us to do Lord?

God is moving...leading,
Like the cloud by day or fire by night,
Where should we go Lord?

Moving…following His lead,
Seeing His church grow,
What will our God do?

Doctors deliver a bad report,
Seeking guidance and wisdom,
By what means will he be healed?

Desire to keep preaching,
Reaching those not yet saved,
That the lost might be saved.

Hospitals…hate them,
But following Your will,
The next step…in response to Your lead.

Surgery, radiation, and chemo too,
Wreaking havoc on the body,
Seeking wholeness and healing.

Sustained by Your power,
Standing by Your mighty hand,
Message shared...with those lost in their sin.

Standing amazed,
Silenced in awe,
Work of God, not of man.

Tool in the hand of the Master,
Used to do Your will,
Love…poured out,
Jesus…given to a world in need.

Praying, trusting and believing,
For wholeness and healing,
This world…or eternity,
Certainly in the world to come.

Heading the call of God,
To spread Your very Word,
Obedient...even to the end.

It’s all about Jesus,
It was, and is, and will always be,
Savior, Messiah, He’s Jesus, my Jesus!

By Susan Bunts – 8/30/05

Saturday, August 20, 2005

And God Said No

We prayed for healing and wholeness,
and God said, "No, I have another plan".

We cried out to remove this pain,
and God said, "No, I will help you bear it."

We prayed that he would remain a while longer,
and God said, "No, trust me."

We cried out for strength to bear our burdens,
and God said, "I am your strength and shield."

We prayed for peace,
and God said, "My peace I give you."

We cried out with praise for our great God and Savior,
and God said, "Come, I will give you rest."

by Susan Bunts 8/20/05

Friday, August 19, 2005

I Need a Sam

Like Frodo of old,
I need a Sam,
A friend by my side,
For all life's adventures.

A friend ever faithful,
A friend so true,
Through thick and through thin,
Even to the end, he's always my friend.

My Sam...where are you?

by Susan Bunts - 8/19/05

Friday, August 12, 2005

Deceived or Deceiver?

Know It All

Yet Talented
And a hard worker too

There’s no one but you

No trust is bestowed upon you
No respect is due you

“Son of a”…yeah one of those too

Example to no one
Except to all
On what not to be

So called,
They see through you too

And Facing the End

Will you get it, realize you erred
Or harden your heart
And face a fiery end

By Susan Bunts 8/12/05

It is not my intent with this posting to be ugly or vulgar. But just as God has given me words of inspiration lately summarizing my beloved Pastor’s living example and God’s wonderful plan…so too I feel as if I am bubbling forth with words to describe an experience with an individual I’ve met. This time with an unfavorable impression.

Well alrighty…I know this one is rather dark. Don’t mean to bring you down. One thing that I thank God for is gift discernment. I am very grateful for it…and I’m sure God has used it to spare me some pain over the years

As revolting as I found this individual to be…I know as a Christian that God can even reach out and touch this person and change him. That while I was repulsed…God still loves him. So I guess I’ll conclude this posting with a prayer God will reach out, touch this man’s heart…and bring him to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. That I’ll be able to stand back and see God do a great and mighty work in the life of a sinful man.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Our hearts filled with joy,
Singing praise and thanksgiving
Loudly proclaiming the glories of our God

Each moment a treasure
A precious gift from above
Given to His own, from the Savior with love

One heart,
One mind,
One body in Christ

One Father,
One Savior,
One Spirit indwelling

Laughter and joy and peace fill this place
As He endlessly pours out
His marvelous grace

Susan Bunts - 8/8/05

Yesterday's service was so wonderful...a true gift from God. I think all who attended were filled to overflowing with joy and peace from our Savior. What a delight. Yet...we remain ever cognizant that each moment is a gift...we are not promised even the next minute.

Trust in God, our faith and praise must not be based in our outward circumstances. Our eyes must be focused on God and Him alone. God alone is our Foundation, our Rock...He alone will never change. Circumstances will change, our health will decline and people will fail us. If our focus is not on Jesus Christ...
we will be like that wave tossed to and fro on the windy sea of life.

Be strong in the Lord and the strength of His might!