Sunday, October 17, 2010


Though near or far
Present or absent
We are one
Knitted together in the body of Christ
United in our worship of God
Hungering to know Him through His word
Desirous to love Him more
Eager to obey Him quickly and completely
Susan Bunts Wachtel
October 7, 2010


Cindy said...

I happened upon your blog this morning. Thank you for your sharing. I have not updated my blog in several months, but you can get a feel for who I am by visiting it.
I am thrilled to have found your blog. I plan to check it again.

susanwalkergirl said...

Thanks Cindy for stopping by to visit. You are right...I think you can get a feel for a person...their thoughts and what touches their heart.

I encourage you Cindy as the Lord makes time in your make to work on your blog. I will stop by for a visit Inside the White Picket Fence.

Blessings in Christ...Susan