A certain wildness,
That can not be tamed.
Maddeningly aloof,
Yet I find myself drawn.
He hears me,
Like none before.
A quite confidence,
Seeks not the praise of men.
At times immovable,
Yet a plea for help will be answered.
Humble strength,
Helps those in need.
Deep beneath the surface.
Scars remain,
Hurt deep within the soul.
Faithfulness and truth,
Ever so rare in this generation.
My heart yearns,
Desires one…such as this.
That can not be tamed.
Maddeningly aloof,
Yet I find myself drawn.
He hears me,
Like none before.
A quite confidence,
Seeks not the praise of men.
At times immovable,
Yet a plea for help will be answered.
Humble strength,
Helps those in need.
Deep beneath the surface.
Scars remain,
Hurt deep within the soul.
Faithfulness and truth,
Ever so rare in this generation.
My heart yearns,
Desires one…such as this.