For You have a plan,
From before the foundations of our world were laid.
You alone know whom You have called,
A man who loves Your word,
Faithful to preach the truth…uncompromised.
We pray for ears to hear You,
Hearts to obey You,
Willing to follow Your lead.
We ask that You prepare our hearts,
To receive him,
Welcome the one whom you have called…into our fold.
By Susan Bunts
August 26, 2007
As the Pastoral Search Committee gave their report…I found my attention riveted. As Dean got up to speak…lets just say he had my attention. Every few months for close to two years now we’d have a report or update on the status and progress our Pastoral Search Committee. It’s been almost two years since our beloved Pastor Chuck Obremski finished well…and went home to be with our Lord.
During that time…God has prepared our hearts. He gave us time to grieve and mourn. A time to accept. A time to look to the Lord and seek His plan and timing. A time to hunger and thirst for His Word. Now it appears that time may have come to a close. While it remains in the hands of the Lord and we continue to ask for His wisdom and guidance, as we may soon have a Senior Pastor.
With state of many churches today…we are most concerned that this man whom God has called be deeply rooted and grounded in the Word of God. That he will be faithful to preach the Word…since it has the power of salvation…for all who believe.
When we look out on our church body…we don’t know who still needs to hear the Gospel message. Yet we all need the Word of God…which is able to divide soul and spirit…to comfort and convict. May we be mindful that there are ravenous wolves which seek to devour the sheep. We pray that God will bring us a shepherd who will tend to us and care for us…like the Good Shepherd.
So we wait…continue to pray for God timing, God’s plan…and the man whom God has called. Will you pray with us?