Dear Dissension,
It is with great eagerness that I commend you,
For your effective division,
Of the body of Christ.
As you know,
It is my deepest desire to see,
Those once on fire for Christ no longer a threat to my kingdom of darkness.
Good work…job well done
Your methods ever so clever,
Stealth…undetected…quite easily they follow your lead.
An effective mix,
Of genuine issues blended with personal opinion,
Lead them down the primrose path and soon we’ll see a critical spirit in full bloom.
Tread lightly,
Careful you must be…so as not to alert them,
Of our true mission to bring dishonor to their King.
May they not see their transgression,
Nor be repentant…and seek forgiveness of their sin,
Press onward…what’s a little gossip and slander…when carefully hidden as constructive criticism.
Dissension…be sure to blind them,
Veil their eyes, so they may not see,
May they not grow stronger by the reading God’s Word.
May they forget about prayer,
Or battling this war upon on their knees,
Calling upon their God will only bring our much hated foe…to battle by their side.
Throw out the bait,
Hook them with dissatisfaction,
Reel them in with discontent.
Divide them, conquer them,
Big or small, young or old…it matters not,
Use music, or style or even their precious translations to divide.
May they not be like their God,
Who looks upon the heart,
Instead may they only dwell upon that which their flesh can see and hear.
Divide them,
Scatter them,
Send them to the four winds.
My deepest desire,
To see that beacon…that bright and shining light upon the hill,
Extinguished…so I can take countless more souls to hell!
Insincerely yours…the enemy of their souls!
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