Decisions, decisions,
Oh Lord, may my response,
Be according to Your will,
Answering Your call,
Hearing Your voice alone.
If this is my imagine,
Trying to shape circumstances,
Interpreting the signs,
Imposing my will, but calling it Yours.
Stop me in my tracks...let me proceed no further.
May my desire,
Be obedience to my Father,
To please Him,
To love my Savior,
By serving the body of Christ where You have called me.
May I not seek my own glory,
Or try to proceed,
On my own strength, wisdom and power,
Instead may I know that this call is so far beyond me,
That I’m fully leaning and relying upon You.
Decisions, decisions,
May You guide my heart and mind,
Make Your leading clear,
Give me a holy unease,
If I dare to stray from the path You have set before me.
Susan Bunts
July 18, 2008
Tonight I received a phone called that seems to be the answer to a prayer. But as I started to pray that God would guide and direct me....make His leading clear, I realized that as much as I want to have my prayer answered...more than that...I desire to be in God’s will.
Because this decision will effect my husband to be...I needed to seek his counsel. To ask him to be in prayer regarding this. I also must willing to heed his counsel. He is a godly man...and God is well able to guide and direct Chris’ thinking, as well as my own. Will I choose to respect Chris’ wisdom and direction...even if it differs from mine?
In bringing Chris and I together God answered my prayer for a godly husband. At the same time...God answered Chris’ prayer to be stretched and taken out of his comfort zone. Sometimes, I teasingly tell Chris to stop the prayers for stretching...because when He stretches Chris...He’s stretching me too.
At the end of the day...I honestly don’t know which way God will direct us. Is this God answering Chris’ prayer for stretching? Will it be a test to see if I will respect and obey my husband to be? Even if it’s contrary to what I want or feel comfortable with?
Will we be in unified in our decision...in step with one another? Of one accord?
I’m glad I don’t have to rely on my own wisdom or the fickle deceitfulness of my feelings. But instead I can fully lean and trust in God as He answers my prayer for Him to guide and direct Chris and I in an important decision.