By the grace of God
Our church still stands
From the fire and winds
Sparks and embers flew wild
The peril was great
The dangers many
He gave courage to men
Emboldened them to take a stand
The fire burned close
As it neared our beloved cross
Fire burned hot
Ash rained down
Prayers of the faithful were raised
Pleading for God’s mercy and grace
Homes nearby went up in flames
By God’s grace…lives were spared
As ash and cinders fell
Flames dared to touch the sign
But God used men
Everyday heroes to accomplish His will
By the grace of God
Our church still stands
May we never take for granted
That this building will be here one more day
May we thank God for the privilege to worship Him here
The body of Christ united…at Kindred
By the grace of God
Our church still stands
Susan Bunts Wachtel
November 15, 2008
How easy it is to be complacent…take for granted that our church will always be here for us to assemble and worship our Lord and Savior.
But as the ash rained down…and smoke filled the sky when we looked toward the east our hearts were burdened to pray for God’s mercy and grace in these circumstances.
Thank you Lord…for answering our prayers…and protecting the building called Kindred Community Church. We are most grateful. Thank you for sending brave men…ordinary citizens…to stand in the gap. We thank you for the firefights who willingly put their lives on the lines. We pray for those who have lost their homes in the fires. We pray for relief for all effected by the fires.
The pictures above are of our beloved cross…the sight of which I love so very much. They were taken just last Sunday…on a cloud filled rainy day. When I see it from a distance…it so reminds me of God’s love and His power in my life and circumstances. When I see it…my stress level starts to melt away.
Who would have thought that just a week later…our church building would lie in the path of wildfires. Well our God knew that…nothing takes Him by surprise. Today…He protected our church home. While tomorrow…we will not meet as a church body…you can be sure that the members of Kindred will be one in giving thanks to our God for His mercy and grace bestowed upon our church.
Just a few miles away…in the middle of moving to a new apartment, my husband Chris and I looked up into the sky as the smoke clouds increased and the sun turned red.
We were amazed at God’s hand upon us as we heard the news that apartments we had considered moving to just a couple weeks earlier…had just gone up in flames. 50 apartment homes were lost. By the grace of God…so far no lives have been lost.
Below are the pictures taken with my cell phone. The ash was poured down…and breathing was difficult…and we were several miles from the fire. I can’t even imagine how horrible it would be for those much closer and in the path of the flames.

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