Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Previousness of God

The previousness of God
At work in my present
Revealed in my future
He is working all things together for good
For this one who loves the Lord

At His appointed time
He turns wrong into right
Bad into good
Weaving the circumstances of my life
Into the tapestry of His eternal plan

No need to fear
Or waste time with anxiety
Instead I am called to trust Him
When no answers are forthcoming
Or when I don’t understand

Oh to glorify Him
With my life
Testify to the goodness of God
In all circumstances
That is my heartfelt plea

By Susan Bunts Wachtel
January 13, 2009

1 comment:

kathy said...

Dear Susan,
You can't imagine how happy I was to come across your site
as I was browsing through the previousness of God.
You are such a gifted poet and writer
anointed by God's Spirit to share your heartfelt walk with God.
I'm so blessed by your blog and look forward in keeping
with you through your writings. Isn't our Lord awesome!
May God continue to encourage, comfort, and extend
His unfailing love
through you to others!You are indeed
so precious in His sight.
Kathy Su